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Why is GAFA Killing the AV Business?

Writer's picture: CairnstackCairnstack

 Why is GAFA Killing the AV Business?

I often hear integrators say they are,”so busy.” This is statement is good for talking to your grandmother but it is worthless in real life.  In my experience “busy” people are ineffective people.  This attached graphic says it all.  With all the tools available to be more efficient with running a business today it is offensive to hear that the reason is; “I am just too busy.” Imagine if your doctor was “too busy” to learn new techniques or the next time you go out to a nice restaurant will you want to eat there if they were “too busy to clean the night before?  these may seem like absurd  examples, however are they?  Integrators are constantly in between the rock of Manufacturer’s marketing and claims and the hard place of client expectations.   There is not a single business that has succeeded by being busy.

This is a response to a CEDIA post about  GAFA,  (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple) In my opinion the reasons that GAFA is killing the AV business is because GAFA keeps track of the products they sell, they follow up with the customers with related products and gives them a way to purchase again.

The lesson is learned is: the fortune is in the follow up.  Integrators have to stop relying on the manufacturer product marketing to create a reason to up-sell the same client.  When the manufacturer advertises it is for their benefit, regardless of where the end user actually get the product. From an local vendor or the GAFA’s of the world.  GAFA is just paying attention to what is important instead of what is urgent.  How long are you going to wait to start being effective?

Don’t be busy!  Be effective!

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